Cambridge IGCSE (Grade 9 & 10)


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MRV Clubs Overall Incharge – Ms Amanda Sampe

MRV Clubs was launched to support our students all round development while simultaneously giving back to society. The Clubs are for the community by the students.

MRV Clubs aim to help students develop skills, form bonds and foster team spirit.

Being a part of an MRV Club is an opportunity of a lifetime!

It allows students to be a contributing member of a community that is like minded and has a common purpose.

Benefits of being a member of MRV Clubs

  • Students develop communication skills
  • Integrated learning
  • Community spirit grows as mixed-ages interact
  • Social skills & creativity are nurtured
  • Development of leadership/advisor skills
  • First hand experience and participation
  • Learn skills and content from professionals and experts
  • Planning and Organization skills develop
  • Learn management skills
  • Participation in Intra and inter school events and competitions Adds value to student portfolio for University/College admissions

At MRV we offer our students the chance to explore a range of diverse clubs by offering membership to three clubs –

Membership will be free and open for students across Grades 8 to A Levels. Various Leadership roles will be created and assigned to students, who under the guidance of the respective Club Teacher Incharge, will manage the workings of the club.

Membership and active participation in each MRV Club will lead to securing certificates of participation and achievement for students.

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